
原文链接: CLNDR.js中文文档

CLNDR 是一个jQuery日历插件。由于缺少真正动态的前端日历插件,无奈之下,创作了CLNDR。


  • 下载
  • 依赖
    • 使用Bower
    • 结合Angular使用
  • 引言:标签由你来定
    • days 数组
    • 传入你的事件
  • 使用
    • 多天事件
    • 限制和Datepickers
    • 返回实例/API
    • Template Requirements
  • 配置
    • 模板渲染引擎
    • 国际化
    • Underscore 模板定界符
    • IE 兼容问题


CLNDR依赖jQuery和Moment.js。默认情况下,CLNDR尝试使用Underscore 的_.template()函数,不过,如果你指定了自定义的渲染函数(下文有介绍),Underscore就不必要了。



bower install clndr


bower install underscore


有很多美妙的并且功能强大的日历模块,它们有个相同的问题就是:它们给你定义了标签(和一堆js),你不得不work with and style。这导致了很多的hacking, pushing, pulling,和烦人的‘为什们我不能做我想要的’场景


###days 数组

<div class="clndr-controls">
  <div class="clndr-previous-button">&lsaquo;</div>
  <div class="month"><%= month %></div>
  <div class="clndr-next-button">&rsaquo;</div>
<div class="clndr-grid">
  <div class="days-of-the-week">
    <% _.each(daysOfTheWeek, function(day) { %>
      <div class="header-day"><%= day %></div>
    <% }); %>
    <div class="days">
      <% _.each(days, function(day) { %>
        <div class="<%= day.classes %>"><%= %></div>
      <% }); %>

days 数组包含着做一个日历所需的绝大部分信息,它的结构大致如下:

  day: 5,
  classes: "day",
  events: [],
  date: moment("2013-05-29")



events = [
  { date: "YYYY-MM-DD or some other ISO Date format", and: "anything else" }


CLNDR依赖underscore.js 和moment.js(除非你使用了另外的渲染引擎,那样的话underscore就不需要了)。确保在<head>标签里引入clndr.js之前引入这些依赖,当然别忘了jQuery。





  // 模板可以保存在script标签里。<script type="text/template"></script>
  // 或者以字符串形式引入
  template: clndrTemplate,

  // 设置一周的开始,0为周日开始,1为周一开始,默认是周日。
  weekOffset: 0,

  // 设置初始的月份,值为日期字符串或者moment对象
  startWithMonth: "YYYY-MM-DD" or moment(),

  // 设置星期的缩写,如果你设置moment.js为不同的语言,它会自动推断。
  // 如果因为某些原因,不能正常推断,用它手动设置。
  // 这个数组必须以周日开始(结合weekOffset使用可以改变成以周一开始)
  daysOfTheWeek: ['D', 'L', 'M', 'M', 'J', 'V', 'S'],

  // CLNDR会寻找目标类名来绑定事件
  // 下面是默认的:
  targets: {
    nextButton: 'clndr-next-button',
    previousButton: 'clndr-previous-button',
    nextYearButton: 'clndr-next-year-button',
    previousYearButton: 'clndr-previous-year-button',
    todayButton: 'clndr-today-button',
    day: 'day',
    empty: 'empty'
  // 点击事件的回调函数! 在所有的回调函数中, `this` 指向clndr实例
  clickEvents: {
    // fired whenever a calendar box is clicked.
    // returns a 'target' object containing the DOM element, any events,
    // and the date as a moment.js object.
    click: function(target){ },
    // 用户点击下个月时触发
    // 返回一个设置为下个月的moment对象
    nextMonth: function(month){ },
    // 用户点击上个月时触发
    // 返回一个设置为上个月的moment对象
    previousMonth: function(month){ },
    // 用户点击明年时触发
    // 返回一个设置为明年当前月的moment对象
    nextYear: function(month) { },
    // 用户点击去年时触发
    // 返回一个设置为去年当前月的moment对象
    previousYear: function(month) { },
    // 点击导致月份发生变化时触发
    // 返回一个设置为正确月份的moment对象
    onMonthChange: function(month) { },
    // fires any time the year changes as a result of a click action.
    // if onMonthChange is also set, it is fired BEFORE onYearChange.
    // returns a moment.js object set to the correct month and year.
    onYearChange: function(month) { },
    // fired when a user goes to the current month & year.
    // returns a moment.js object set to the correct month.
    today: function(month){ }

  // this is called only once after clndr has been initialized and rendered.
  // use this to bind custom event handlers that don't need to be re-attached
  // every time the month changes (most event handlers fall in this category).
  // hint: this.element refers to the parent element that holds the clndr,
  // and is a great place to attach handlers that don't get tossed out every
  // time the clndr is re-rendered.
  //该方法只会在clndr初始化并且渲染完成后调用一次,用它来绑定自定义事件处理器(适用于那些当月份变化时不用重新绑定的事件处理器,大部分事件处理器都属于这一类),提示:this.element 引用承载clndr的父元素,这是一个绑定事件的好地方,因为它不会再clndr重新渲染时被销毁。
  ready: function() { },
  // a callback when the calendar is done rendering.
  // This is a good place to bind custom event handlers
  // (also see the 'ready' option above).
  doneRendering: function(){ },

  // 事件对象的数组
  events: [],
  // if you're supplying an events array, dateParameter points to the
  // field in your event object containing a date string.
  // It's set to 'date' by default.
  dateParameter: 'date',
  // show the numbers of days in months adjacent to the current month
  // (and populate them with their events). defaults to true.
  // CLNDR can accept events lasting more than one day!
  // just pass in the multiDayEvents option and specify what the start and
  // end fields are called within your event objects. See the example file
  // for a working instance of this.
  multiDayEvents: {
    startDate: 'startDate',
    endDate: 'endDate'

  // show the dates of days in months adjacent to the current month.
  // defaults to true.
  showAdjacentMonths: true,
  // when days from adjacent months are clicked, switch the current month.
  // fires nextMonth/previousMonth/onMonthChange click callbacks. defaults to false.
  adjacentDaysChangeMonth: false,
  // always make the calendar six rows tall (42 days) so that every month has a
  // consistent height. defaults to 'false'.
  forceSixRows: false,

  // anything you want access to in your template
  extras: { }

  // if you want to use a different templating language, here's your ticket.
  // Precompile your template (before you call clndr),
  // pass the data from the render function into your template,
  // and return the result. The result must be a string containing valid markup.
  // The keyword 'this' is set to the clndr instance
  // in case you need access to any other properties.
  // More under 'Template Rendering Engine' below.
  render: function(data){
    return '<div class="html data as a string"></div>';

  // if you want to prevent the user from navigating the calendar outside
  // of a certain date range (e.g. if you are making a datepicker), specify
  // either the startDate, endDate, or both in the constraints option. You
  // can change these while the calendar is on the page... See documentation
  // below for more on this!
  constraints: {
    startDate: '2017-12-22',
    endDate: '2018-01-09'


// day-of-the-week 缩写的数组,
// shifted as requested using the weekOffset parameter.
daysOfTheWeek: ['S', 'M', 'T', etc...]
// the number of 7-block calendar rows,
// in the event that you want to do some looping with it
numberOfRows: 5
// the days object, documented in more detail above
days: [ { day, classes, id, events, date } ]
// the month name- don't forget that you can do things like
// month.substring(0, 1) and month.toLowerCase() in your template
month: "May"
// the year that the calendar is currently focused on
year: "2013"
// all of the events happening this month
eventsThisMonth: [ ],
// all of the events happening last month
eventsLastMonth: [ ],
// all of the events happening next month
eventsNextMonth: [ ],
// anything you passed into the 'extras' property when creating the clndr
extras: { }


var lotsOfEvents = [
  { start: '2013-11-04', end: '2013-11-08', title: 'Monday to Friday Event' },
  { start: '2013-11-15', end: '2013-11-20', title: 'Another Long Event' }

  events: lotsOfEvents,
  multiDayEvents: {
    startDate: 'start',
    endDate: 'end'

如果你不喜欢<% %><%= %>风格的定界符,你可以正则表达式的形式给Underscore.js提供替代方案。
interpolate:输出字符串(默认是<%= %>)
escape:用来escaping html (默认是<%- %>)
evaluate:用来执行javascript(默认是<% %>)

// switch to Jinja2/Twig/Nunjucks-style delimiters
_.templateSettings = {
  interpolate: /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g,
  escape: /\{\{\-(.+?)\}\}/g,
  evaluate: /\{\%(.+?)\%\}/g

