求结构体成员的偏移#define OFFSET(structure, member) ((int) &((structure *)0)->member)
c语言 x[n] 相当于 *((x)+(n))
所以 x[n] 和 n[x] 结果一样
(void)(&a == &b)
检测a和b是不是同一类型,不是同一类型编译不过#define is_power_of_2(n) ((n)==((n)&~(n)+1))
- 在编译时就能够进行条件检查的断言,而不是在运行时进行。下面是个Linux Kernel的例子/* Force a compilation error if condition is true */
#define BUILD_BUG_ON(condition) ((void)sizeof(char[1 - 2*!!(condition)]))
- 在编译时就能够进行条件检查的断言,而不是在运行时进行。下面是个Linux Kernel的例子/* Force a compilation error if condition is true */
位域操作 tagged pointer:在动态语言中,和位运算结合,实现Int类型的unbox(这个有点偏。。enum type { pair, string, vector, ... };
typedef struct value *SCM;
struct value {
enum type type;
union {
struct { SCM car, cdr; } pair;
struct { int length; char *elts; } string;
struct { int length; SCM *elts; } vector;
} value;
#define POINTER_P(x) (((int) (x) & 7) == 0)
#define INTEGER_P(x) (! POINTER_P (x))
#define GET_INTEGER(x) ((int) (x) >> 3)
#define MAKE_INTEGER(x) ((SCM) (((x) << 3) | 1))
int main() {
struct mylist {
int a;
struct mylist* next;
#define cons(x, y) (struct mylist[]){{x, y}}
struct mylist *list = cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, NULL)));
struct mylist *p = list;
while(p != 0) {
printf("%d\n", p->a);
p = p -> next;
结构体指定初始化 来自Linux Kernel的例子,一般用得比较少
static struct usb_driver usb_storage_driver = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.name = "usb-storage",
.probe = storage_probe,
.disconnect = storage_disconnect,
.id_table = storage_usb_ids,
结构体+指针:这个花样就多了去了。。内存对齐:用在优化中三、函数相关setjmp/longjmp实现协程、异常等都靠它函数指针函数指针可以实现高阶函数、模拟简单的闭包。gcc的C扩展支持嵌套函数. clang的C好像还有闭包..#include C的tricks不多,但大多比较晦涩,就跟数学一样需要循序渐进的理解,同时也需要对编译器、C语言标准都有一定的理解。而C语言的雷区较多,也即有很多我们经常碰到的未定义行为(undefined behavior)。在看tricks前,我们先看个雷: 它看起来很简单,对吗?但如果b和c加起来大于了上限,如INT_MAX,那编译器会做什么?事实上这里会得到一个负数。这是非常令人烦躁的未定义举动,尤其是你因为它而要debug的时候。当然,标准会告诉你每次都去检查它没有意义,我们要的只是一个高速语言。恩,读者要记住一件事,玩标准的人不写代码。而且,千万不要轻易的忽略它们,它们都有可能造成致命的问题。——所以说C语言是高手才能真正玩好的语言。如果没有对C语言较好的了解,不要轻易的使用各类tricks,说不定里面就埋了个debug不出来的雷。 我们开始,先看个小技巧,舒缓一下心情: 由于某些编译器没有这个内部函数, 或者直接用 PGO (profile guided optimization) 也能达到这个效果, 所以就定义为 LIKELY 和 UNLIKELY 宏可以随时关掉好了 这个技巧就是在循环判断时去期望是或否。这涉及到了编译器优化,以及很经典的火车选路。在linux内核中十分常见。你可以给知道它的人加5分,懂一点内核挺好的。 再来一个我们在强类型时不能忽略的: stdint.h 这些类型非常棒,比起char, short, int, long的意思清晰十倍,尤其在bitmap运算时,最好用这些强类型(记得在算bits时要用UINT)。 但你可以看到项目组里往往用 这样的代码来定义它们,实际上是错误的,乖乖的#include 像这样用是可以的。注意逗号取最后一个值返回。 for (int i=0; i < 10; i++, doSomethingElse()) 注意它不是一般意义上的全0初始化,而是逻辑0初始化,这里引用一段stackoverflow上的英文: memset/calloc do “all bytes zero” (i.e. physical zeroes), which is indeed not defined for all types. { 0 } is guaranteed to intilaize everything with proper logical zero values. Pointers, for example, are guranteed to get their proper null values, even if the null-value on the given platform is 0xBAADFOOD struct mystruct a = {0}; 很有用的bit定义,尤其是用在某些算法中 struct cat { }; cat make_cat() } 有限自动机 Interlacing structures Interlacing structures like Duff’s Device: strncpy(to, from, count) } 很好用的技巧,GCC早期已经实现,后合入C99,但其他很多编译器没有实现 #define FOO 16 myStructType_t myStuff[] = { 同上: struct foo{ void main(){ GCC-参数格式化 int my_printf (void *my_object, const char *my_format, ...) 动态指定浮动打印精度 #include int main() { } 静态检查 编译时而非运行时 //--- size of static_assertion array is negative if condition is not met //--- ensure structure fits in 字符串连接 #define PATH "/some/path/" 0 bit fields struct { which will give a layout of 000aaabb 0ccccddd instead of without the :0; 0000aaab bccccddd The 0 width field tells that the following bitfields should be set on the next atomic entity (char) Lambda’s (e.g. anonymous functions) in GCC: #define lambda(return_type, function_body) This can be used as: lambda (int, (int x, int y) { return x > y; })(1, 2) Which is expanded into: ({ int fn (int x, int y) { return x > y } fn; })(1, 2) 字符选择 1 hexDigit = "0123456789abcdef"[someNybble]; include/宏 协助数组初始化-预编译技巧 double normals[][] = { 打印调用点技巧,适合跟踪调试代码 1 #define WHERE fprintf(stderr,"[LOG]%s:%d\n",FILE,LINE); 强悍而需要功力的X_MACRO /* /* /* static char * ErrorEnum[] = { /* /* void showErrorInfo(void) } /* switch(value) #define X(Enum,Val,Text) case Val: }int main() {
int swap (int *a, int *b) {
int c;
c = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = c;
return 0;
int first = 12, second = 34;
printf("f is %d and s is %d\n", first, second);
swap(&first, &second);
printf("f is %d and s is %d\n", first, second);
return 0;
a = b + c;
#ifndef __GNUC__
#define __builtin_expect(x, expected_value) (x)
#define LIKELY(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x),1)
#define UNLIKELY(x) __builtin_expect((x)!=0,0)
#ifndef __int8_t_defined
#define __int8_t_defined
typedef signed char int8_t;
typedef short int int16_t;
typedef int int32_t;
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
typedef long int int64_t;
typedef long long int int64_t;
#define INT16 short
#define INT32 long
/* whatever */
1Bit fields
unsigned int legs:3; // 3 bits for legs (0-4 fit in 3 bits)
unsigned int lives:4; // 4 bits for lives (0-9 fit in 4 bits)
// ...
{cat kitty;
kitty.legs = 4;
kitty.lives = 9;
return kitty;
that can be achieved with the following macros:
#define FSM
#define STATE(x) s_##x :
#define NEXTSTATE(x) goto s_##x
STATE(x) {
STATE(y) {
if (x == 0)
char *to, *from;
int count;
{int n = (count + 7) / 8;
switch (count % 8) {
case 0: do { *to = *from++;
case 7: *to = *from++;
case 6: *to = *from++;
case 5: *to = *from++;
case 4: *to = *from++;
case 3: *to = *from++;
case 2: *to = *from++;
case 1: *to = *from++;
} while (--n >0);
#define BAR 3[FOO] = { foo1, foo2, foo3 },
[BAR] = { bar1, bar2, bar3 },
int x;
int y;
char* name;
struct foo f = { .y = 23, .name = "awesome", .x = -38 };
} __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
int a = 3;
float b = 6.412355;
return 0;
#define STATIC_ASSERT(condition)typedef struct { \
char static_assertion[condition ? 1 : -1]; \
} static_assertion_t
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(mystruct_t) <= 4096);
fd = open(PATH "/file", flags);
int a:3;
int b:2;
int :0;
int c:4;
int d:3;
Lambda({ return_type fn function_body fn })
#include "normals.txt"
#define X_ERROR
X(ERROR_NONE, 1, "Success")
X(ERROR_SYNTAX, 5, "Invalid syntax")
X(ERROR_RANGE, 8, "Out of range")
static int ErrorVal[] =
#define X(Enum,Val,Text) Val,
#undef X
#define X(Enum,Val,Text) #Enum,
#undef X
static char * ErrorText[] = {
#define X(Enum,Val,Text) Text,
#undef X
enum {
#define X(Enum,Val,Text) IDX_##Enum,
#undef X
IDX_MAX / Array size */
{int i;
* Access the values
for (i=0; i<IDX_MAX; i++)
printf(" %s == %d [%s]\n", ErrorEnum[i], ErrorVal[i], ErrorText[i]);
#undef X printf("Error %d is ok\n",value);
printf("Invalid error: %d\n",value);