文本编辑 spacemacs
appleshan/my-spacemacs-config: My personal Spacemacs config
dotspacemacs/.spacemacs at master · pandemie/dotspacemacs
安装 & 使用
sudo apt-get install emacs
$ git clone https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ~/.emacs.d
git clone https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs.git ~/.emacs.d -b develop
git clone https://github.com/zilongshanren/spacemacs-private.git ~/.spacemacs.d/
如果使用了 .spacemacs.d 目录来保存你的 spacemacs 配置,就不需要在 HOME 目录维护一个 .spacemacs 文件了。 至于为什么要使用 .spacemacs.d 目录而不是 .spacemacs 文件,主要是方便分离自己的配置与 spacemacs 的配置,更新更容易。
如果发现添加在 .spacemacs.d/init.el 里面的配置没有生效,检查一下是否你的 HOME 目录还存在一个 .spacemacs 文件。
(require 'org-octopress)
(setq org-octopress-directory-top "~/octopress/source"))
dotspacemacs-additional-packages '(
(setq org-octopress-directory-top "~/octopress/source")
(setq org-octopress-directory-posts "~/octopress/source/_posts")
(setq org-octopress-directory-org-top "~/octopress/source")
(setq org-octopress-directory-org-posts "~/octopress/source/blog")
(setq org-octopress-setup-file "~/org-sty/setupfile.org")
dotspacemacs-additional-packages '(
每个函数上面有没有Autoload,估计是没有,那么你就需要在setq之前(require 'org-octopress)
只要在setq前面((setq org-octopress-directory-top "~/octopress/source"))加上:
File error: Cannot open load file, No such file or directory, bind-map
bind-map spacemacs启动的时候下载的 选择 spacemacs-base 模式先把bind-map下载下来
ELPA 镜像http://elpa.emacs-china.org
(setq configuration-layer--elpa-archives
'(("melpa-cn" . "http://elpa.emacs-china.org/melpa/")
("org-cn" . "http://elpa.emacs-china.org/org/")
("gnu-cn" . "http://elpa.emacs-china.org/gnu/")))
(setq url-proxy-services
'(("no_proxy" . "^\\(localhost\\|10.*\\)")
("http" . "")
("https" . "")))
emacs 中怎么删除最大匹配的括号中的内容?
( 往前跳|往上跳 C-M-b backward-sexp
往前跳|往上跳 C-M-p backward-list
( 往上跳 C-M-u backward-up-list
这一期没啥内容,只是最近写代码的时候发现 Emacs 自带的删除括号功能 ('delete-pair)非常的原始且不好用,于是随手写了个优化的版本。
(defun c-delete-pair ()
(let ((re "[([{<'\"]"))
(when (or (looking-at-p re) (re-search-backward re nil t))
(save-excursion (forward-sexp) (delete-char -1))
(delete-char 1))))
#+TITLE: Spacemacs Conventions
** Use-package
- Always use =progn= when a code block requires multiple lines for =:init= or
=:config= keywords. - If there is only one line of code then try to keep =:init= or =:config=
keywords on the same line. - Don't nest multiple =use-package= calls unless you have a very good reason
to do it.
dwim 缩写(Do what I mean)。
(pp (macroexpand '( emacs-window-manager popwin 光标自动跳转到新建的窗口中 install ag or rg SPC h l 查看layer帮助 , | SPC m major-mode SPC h SPC | SPC h p 查看layer源码 M-m | SPC 触发 C-h | 帮助 ctrl+z 切换 evil 和 emacs模式 alt+1 .. 0 C-c <- | SPC w u winner undo SPC a u undo-tree-visualize C-u 次数 命令 C-, ##区域选择 SPC i j: 在当前行的下面插入一个空行 g 跳转 C-c a M-m f s 保存当前文件 C-x --- edit 常用快捷键 配置文件管理 SPC f f 打开文件(夹),相当于 $ open xxx 或 $ cd /path/to/project SPC f t 打开/关闭侧边栏,相当于 ST / Atom 中的 Ctrl(cmd) + k + b SPC 0 光标跳转到侧边栏(NeoTree)中 SPC j = 自动对齐,相当于 beautify Spacemacs 会在启动时启动服务器,这个服务器会在 Spacemacs 关闭的时候被杀掉。 当 Emacs 服务器启动的时候,我们可以在命令行中使用 emacsclient 命令: 除了关闭 Spacemacs 之外,我们还可以用下面的命令来杀掉 Emacs 服务器: 我们可以持久化 Emacs 服务器,在 Emacs 关闭的时候,服务器不被杀掉。只要设置 ~/.spacemacs 中 dotspacemacs-persistent-server 为 t 即可。 但这种情况下,我们只可以通过以下方式来杀掉服务器了: deft 模式增加 q 退出 (evil-set-initial-state 'magit-status-mode 'emacs) magit自动进入插入模式 Default to insert state in COMMIT_EDITMSG buffers ? You can ensure a mode opens in emacs state by using =evil-set-initial-state=. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp You can also do this using buffer name regular expressions. E.g. for magit, You can modify the syntax table of the mode in question. To do so you can #+BEGINSRC emacs-lisp 基于 Major-Mode 的局部快捷键,以及 定义需用到的快捷键 基于 Minor-Mode 的局部快捷键,对应的命令分别是 (define-key global-map (kbd "C-c t") 'org-capture) Key sequences are bound to commands in Emacs in various keymaps. The most basic #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp The =kbd= macro accepts a string describing a key sequence. The =global-map= is #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp Perhaps most importantly for Spacemacs is the use of the bind-map package to #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp These functions use a macro like =kbd= to translate the key sequences for you. Finally, one should be aware of prefix keys. Essentially, all keymaps can be #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp The first line declares ~SPC ]~ to be a prefix and the second binds the key There is much more to say about bindings keys, but these are the basics. Keys
;;pp 格式化输出,让输出更美观
;;macroexpand 宏展开
SPC SPC | M-x 进入命令模式插件
emacs-neotree : neotree
avy(ace) : easymotion
web-mode: html 模版编辑扩展(项目地址)
js2-mode: javascript 编辑扩展(项目地址)
flycheck: 语法检查(项目地址)
smex: 命令输入自动补全(项目地址)
company-mode: 代码自动补全(项目地址)
magit: git 管理插件(项目地址)
markdown-mode: markdown 编辑扩展(项目地址)
web-beautify: js/css/html代码格式化(项目地址)
window-numbering: 编辑窗口分割(项目地址)
paredit 该插件用于括号/引号的自动补全. 如果担心evil mode破坏括号的完整, 编写时先暂停掉evil mode
M-x package-install dumb-jump
跳转到定义 dumb-jump
代码折叠 hs-minor-mode
快速选定区域 expand-region
Prodigy可以让你在Emacs中直接管理外部服务, 方便快捷, 无需多次切换. 比如: Python Simple HTTP Server, Nodemon Server, Sinatra Server 或 Octopress Preview.
org-bullets org皮肤,更好看layer
SPC h R 在帮助文档org中搜索spacemacs 快捷键
SPC h k 查看顶层快捷键
同上查看当前mode的快捷键 which-key-show-top-level
M-x | SPC :命令行
M-g | 移动
M-s | 搜索
C-w | SPC w 窗口相关
C-x | 系统功能
C-c | 命令模式 [major mode]
C-g | 取消命令
SPC s j dird-jump
:hint-is-doc t
SPC 1 .. 0
SPC w m: 最大化或者最小化当前窗口
SPC w s | SPC w - 水平分割窗口
SPC w v | SPC w / 垂直分割窗口
C-c -> | SPC w U winner redo重复
M-w 复制
C-= : 不断的按该快捷键,会使选定的区域不断的扩展,而且只扩展到语法层面的父 结构中,
SPC v er/expand-region 扩展选定区域;接着按v就可以不断的扩大选择区域, 按V可以缩小区域 er/contract-region 缩小选定区域
SPC i k: 在当前行的上面插入一个空行orgmode
|SPC m a org-agenda
C-c c|SPC m c org-capture文件
C-c C-f |SPC f f find-file
C-x 1 回到正在编辑的文件
C-x b 切换缓冲区
C-x k 关闭缓冲区
C-j 合并行S-j 拆分行
SPC f e d 快速打开配置文件 .spacemacs
SPC f e R 同步配置文件
SPC p f 搜索文件名,相当于 ST / Atom 中的 Ctrl + p
SPC s a p 搜索内容,相当于 $ ag xxx 或 ST / Atom 中的 Ctrl + Shift + f
SPC n(数字) 光标跳转到第 n 个 buffer 中Emacs 服务器
使用 Emacs 服务器
$ emacsclient -c 用 Emacs GUI 来打开文件
$ emacsclient -t 用命令行中 Emacs 来打开文件
杀掉 Emacs 服务器
$ emacsclient -e '(kill-emacs)'
持久化 Emacs 服务器
SPC q q 退出 Emacs 并杀掉服务器,会对已修改的 Buffer 给出保存的提示。
SPC q Q 同上,但会丢失所有未保存的修改。
; (evil-define-key 'normal deft-mode-map "q" 'quit-window)
(with-eval-after-load 'deft
(bind-map-set-keys deft-mode-map "
(define-key deft-mode-map (kbd "C-g") 'quit-window)
(add-to-list 'evil-buffer-regexps
'("COMMIT_EDITMSG" . insert))
(push '("*magit" . emacs) evil-buffer-regexps)
(push '("\\`CAPTURE-" . insert) evil-buffer-regexps)
(add-hook 'org-capture-mode-hook 'evil-insert-state)
** Disable evilification of a mode?
(evil-set-initial-state 'magit-status-mode 'emacs)
which has a number of different major modes, you can catch them all with#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(push '("*magit" . emacs) evil-buffer-regexps)
This should make all original magit bindings work in the major modes in
question. To enable the leader key in this case, you may have to define a
binding in the mode's map, e.g. for =magit-status-mode=,
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(with-eval-after-load 'magit
(define-key magit-status-mode-map
(kbd dotspacemacs-leader-key) spacemacs-default-map))
** Include underscores in word motions? 单词移动包含下划线_
include this on your =dotspacemacs/user-config=.
;; For python
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook #'(lambda () (modify-syntax-entry ? "w")))
;; For ruby
(add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook #'(lambda () (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w")))
;; For Javascript
(add-hook 'js2-mode-hook #'(lambda () (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w")))
那就从妖艳酷炫的快捷键开始吧!(一) - Ghost in Emacs - 知乎专栏
(global-set-key (kbd "A") 'your-command)
(global-unset-key (kbd "grm"))
(define-key global-map )
(define-key key-translation-map (kbd "A") (kbd "B"))
(local-set-key (kbd "A") 'your-command)
(local-unset- ("laptop" . ?l) ("pc" . ?p)))
a-z 直接插入已定义的 TAGS
! 关闭或开启互不相容的 TAGS 标记
q/C-g 退出设置key (kbd "grm"))
(define-key your-minor-mode-map (kbd "A") 'your-command)
(define-key evil-normal-state-map "q" 'evil-force-normal-state )
(define-key evil-normal-state-map "q" nil )* Binding keys
map is the =global-map=. Setting a key binding in the =global-map= is achieved
with the function =global-set-key=. Example to bind a key to the command
(global-set-key (kbd "C-]") 'forward-char)
often shadowed by other maps. For example, =evil-mode= defines keymaps that
target states (or modes in vim terminology). Here is an example that creates the
same binding as above but only in =insert state= (=define-key= is a built-in
function. =Evil-mode= has its own functions for defining keys).
(define-key evil-insert-state-map (kbd "C-]") 'forward-char)
bind keys behind a leader key.
This is where most of the Spacemacs bindings live. Binding keys behind the
leader key is achieved with the functions =spacemacs/set-leader-keys= and
=spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode=, example:
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys "C-]" 'forward-char)
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode "C-]" 'forward-char)
The second function, =spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode=, binds the key
only in the specified mode. The second key binding is active only when the
major mode is =emacs-lisp=.
nested. Nested keymaps are used extensively in spacemacs, and in vanilla Emacs
for that matter. For example, ~SPC a~ points to key bindings for "applications",
like ~SPC a c~ for =calc-dispatch=. Nesting bindings is easy.
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "]" "bracket-prefix")
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys "]]" 'double-bracket-command)
sequence ~SPC ]]~ to the corresponding command. The first line is actually
unnecessary to create the prefix, but it will give your new prefix a name that
key-discovery tools can use (e.g., which-key).
can be bound in your =~/.spacemacs= file or in individual layers.